What episode does everyone find out Oliver’s the arrow? The news is out!In “Life Sentence,” the Season 6 finale of Arrow, Oliver Queen revealed he is the Green Arrow on live television. When Dinah was nineteen, even though denied by her mother, she decided to become a crime-fighter, taking on her mother's costume and identity as the Black Canary, after countless training under the watchful eye of her mother's former … American Canary Crime Story. Diggle throws it out the window which allows them to head to their destination without any interference from the B-Squad. In this week’s episode of Arrow, Oliver and the team head to Russia, but does Laurel betray him at The Monitor’s behest? We may be only four episodes into Arrow‘s final season, but the show Thanks to the Arrow Season 5 premiere we finally know what Laurel's final words to Oliver were right before she died last season. Go back and watch an episode from the past two seasons skipping over the flashbacks. David Ramsey as The Arrow's friend, partner and sparring partner, John Diggle was the perfect casting choice. Before Oliver can answer, Tommy suggests that perhaps he missed meaningless sex, steaks at the Palm, or drinks at the Station. where he would beat a confession out of Gitter until the man was willing to give Before Team Arrow uncovered the truth, Laurel told Oliver that when she died, Sara (Caity Lotz) had transported her to the Waverider, using its futuristic technology to save her.

He is the son of the late Roy Harper, Sr. Here is a novel thought for many of you diehard “ Arrow ” fans: Actually having the opportunity to see Oliver and Laurel working together again. Does laurel find out oliver is arrow Protecting his city from crime and corruption, vigilante hero Oliver Queen (aka The Green Arrow) uses his formidable combat skills and marksmanship to go up against lethal foes including Deathstroke, Ra's al Ghul and Damien Darhk and Prometheus, becoming a beacon of hope for all in need.